Smooth Dogfish
Mustelus canis
FAMILY: Triakidae
ALSO KNOWN AS: Smoothhound, dogfish, dusky smoothhound
CONSERVATION STATUS: Near threatened (worldwide)
RANGE: Range extends from Canada to Argentina
LENGTH: Up to 100 cm (approx. 3 feet) total length
WEIGHT: 6.8 kg (15 lbs)
Illustration ©Marc Dando
Photograph ©Wix Stock
RANGE: Range extends from Canada to Argentina, although reports should be scrutinized to avoid confusion with the Florida smoothhound, Mustelus norrisi. In Western North Atlantic, it is rare in the Bay of Fundy, but becomes seasonably abundant from Cape Cod to South Carolina. Often found in Long Island Sound.
HABITAT: Enters the surf zone and is also encountered offshore. Often encountered 0 to 200 m in depth, but reports do indicate a vertical range down to 800 m.
IDENTIFICATION: Slender body. Second dorsal fin larger than the anal fin. Spiracle visible behind the eye. Lower lobe of the caudal fin is rounded. Teeth are numerous, small, and have blunted cusps (not pointy). Brown to olive-brown dorsal coloration. Grey to white underside.
INTERESTING FACTS: Viviparous species (gives birth to live young). Feeds on small fishes, shrimp, and benthic invertebrates, such as crabs and worms. In Western North Atlantic, the species seasonally migrates closer to shore and northward in the summer. Often kept in public aquaria and taken as bycatch in gillnet fisheries.
Near threatened; currently no minimum size or bag limit.