The foundation of the Atlantic Shark Institute is to conduct high quality shark research to answer the most pressing questions in the interest of sharks and their long term sustainability.
Driving elements behind that philosophy include:
To be the unifier of the best and most collaborative shark research anywhere in the world
To partner with only the highest quality scientists and organizations
To leverage the expertise of our Research Advisory Board to make the right funding decisions at the right time
To use our scoring and value weighting process to compare various project options
To clearly define goals, timeframes, and tangible outcomes for each project
To move quickly and decisively when warranted
To limit complexity and bureaucracy
To be transparent to scientists, supporters, and donors

The geographic focus of the Atlantic Shark Institute is the Atlantic Ocean from Canadian waters to Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. We also support research in Bermuda, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, the Azores and the Bay of Fundy.

White Shark Study - Young-Of-The-Year (YOY) and Juvenile
(IUCN Red List Global Status - Vulnerable)

The Atlantic Shark Institute, the RI Department of Environmental Management and Dr. Greg Skomal from the MA Division of Marine Fisheries are collaborating on this five-year study of juvenile and YOY white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in Southern New England. We will be using a variety of tagging, sampling and animal-borne imaging technologies and methods to quantify the broad and fine-scale movements of these sharks, feeding ecology, behavior as well as stable isotope analysis of tissue samples. We will also integrate data from RI's extensive acoustic receiver array which includes more than 40 receivers. The Atlantic Shark Institute is a Principal Investigator (PI) on this study and is supplying direct support with different tag technologies, acoustic receivers, research vessels and more.

The Form and Function of Feeding in Pelagic Sharks

This study is being led by Dr. Joshua Moyer to document how sharks, including the blue shark (IUCN status: Near Threatened) and mako shark (IUCN status: Endangered), use their jaws and teeth to capture and ingest food. Josh earned his Masters of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Cornell University where he published on the anatomy and evolution of shark teeth and jaws. In 2021, Josh completed his PhD at the University of Massachusetts Amherst studying the functional morphology and kinematics of feeding in modern sharks. Using high-speed videography of feeding sharks in the field, Josh and the Atlantic Shark Institute will compare the bite kinematics of large, open ocean sharks to those of previously studied shark species with different ecologies.
White Shark and Seal Interaction-Block Island, RI

The focus of this study is the White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias), a growing Gray Seal (Halichoerus grypus) population, and the potential for interaction between the two in the waters off Block Island, RI. Through the use of an extensive acoustic array, the tagging of white sharks and seals with acoustic transmitters, the tagging of seals with satellite (SPLASH) tags, and detailed seal counts and assessment using cameras and visual counts, the team hopes to better understand the ecology of white sharks and gray seals in this area, and potential interactions between the two. With a wide variety of white sharks being tagged (young-of-the-year (YOY), juvenile, sub-adult and adult) and little baseline data for either species at Block Island, this is a unique opportunity to investigate if and when predator-prey dynamics are established. The Atlantic Shark Institute, RI Department of Environmental Management, Mystic Aquarium, NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Dr. Greg Skomal, Atlantic Marine Conservation Society and the Block Island Maritime Institute are collaborating on this study.
Sand Tiger Study - Genome Sequencing & Population Genetics

The sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus) is found in discrete populations throughout the world, including along the eastern seaboard of the United States. Due to their particular life history characteristics (e.g. slow to mature, low lifetime reproductive potential), sand tiger sharks received protective status from fishing and landing in the United States in 1999 and designated them as a Species of Concern in 2004. While sand tiger sharks remain under protective status, information about their effective population sizes to assess the status of this species remains unavailable. The goal of this study is to create the first linkage map available for any elasmobranch utilizing whole genome sequencing. Genomic information from this study will then be used to assess the genetic population structure of this species, thereby providing valuable information for proper management of this species. Project leads on this study include Dr. Kady Lyons - Georgia Aquarium, Dr. Jen Wyffels - Ripley’s Aquariums and Dr. Dave Portnoy - Texas A&M Corpus Christi. The Atlantic Shark Institute’s role as a partner in this study will be to capture these sharks while in Southern New England waters, take tissue samples, document their size, sex, and location and release them. This study is expected to last several years beginning in 2025.
Videographic Survey (BRUVs) of Sharks in Block Island Sound, RI

The Atlantic Shark Institute and the RI Department of Environmental Management are collaborating on this five-year study to determine shark species and their density at Block Island, RI. This study will combine video confirmation using Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems (BRUVS) with acoustic technology from the ASI Shark Array. BRUVs will be deployed from June through October where hours of HD video (each summer), will provide visual confirmation, while our acoustic receivers will detect any tagged shark that visits the area from April through November. This unique combination of technologies will provide a first of its kind confirmation of shark species and their density in the study area.
Coastal Shark Tagging Study (Shortfin Mako, Common Thresher and Blue)

The Atlantic Shark Institute and the RI Department of Environmental Management are collaborating on this study to tag recreationally-significant pelagic sharks in Southern New England. Shark species of focus include the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), common thresher (Alopias vulpinus), and blue shark (Prionace glaucoma). The study uses various tag types, including acoustic and Smart Position or Temperature Transmitting (SPOT) tags over the course of this study to better understand these species movement ecology, including seasonal migration patterns, their use of state waters, and the oceanographic habitats they frequent. Data from this work will be made available for improving the science that is used to inform management measures and ensure the species sustainability.

Blacktip Migration Study (IUCN Red List Global Status- Vulnerable)

The Atlantic Shark Institute and the Elasmobranch Research Laboratory at Florida Atlantic University are collaborating to study the migration of blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) between the southern waters of Florida and southern New England. For over a decade, Dr. Stephen Kajiura has tagged blacktips and tracked their northward migration. This leg of the blacktips’ journey is well documented, but their return trip to southern waters is not. Now Dr. Kajiura and researchers from the Atlantic Shark Institute are undertaking a tagging effort to equip blacktips in New England and Long Island waters with fin-mounted satellite transmitters. This will document this coastal species’ southern journey to better understand an annual roundtrip migration that spans the waters of nine states. This is a three-year study that will likely be extended and expanded as the project objectives are achieved.
Spinner Shark Study (IUCN Red List Global Status- Vulnerable)

The Atlantic Shark Institute in collaboration with NOAA/NMFS and Florida Atlantic University are studying spinner sharks (Carcharhinus brevipinna) in the New England and New York Region. The study area constitutes the northern range of this species and the project will be an important addition to NOAA/NMFS’ assessment of spinner sharks scheduled to begin in 2025. The study will include fine and broad-scale movement assessments and a wide variety of tagging technologies including M tags, acoustic tags, SPOT tags and PSAT tags. Researchers also plan to conduct tissue sampling, blood sampling, assess stress physiology and post-release behavior, as well as conduct life history assessments of certain individuals. This is a three-year study that will likely be extended and expanded as the project objectives are achieved.

ASI Acoustic Shark Array

In 2019 the Atlantic Shark Institute, in partnership with the RI Department of Environmental Management, deployed acoustic receivers in RI. This was the first time this technology had been used in RI waters. The deployment of acoustic receivers capable of recording shark movements is of significant value to scientists studying movement ecology. These receivers detect and log the presence of sharks tagged by researchers with acoustic transmitters. With each shark getting a unique transmitter code, scientists use these data to determine exactly those species that are present, in a specific area and when. This research aids in understanding the residency and migration patterns of sharks . The ASI deploys these receivers in desired locations, retrieves data, and removes the receivers at the end of each season. We are increasing the number of receivers to 20 in 2025 thanks to generous supporters like you. This will significantly increase the value of these research projects.

White Shark Study - North Carolina (IUCN Red List Global Status - Vulnerable)

As part of his study on the movement ecology of white sharks in the western North Atlantic, the ASI is tagging white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) off the coast of North Carolina when they are absent from New England waters. These sharks can be tagged during their southern migration, northern migration or while overwintering in the region. They are tagged using a variety of tag technologies to examine broad and fine-scale movements of white sharks along the eastern seaboard of the US. Tags can range from short-term data collectors to long-term (10 year) tags that can follow these sharks through multiple migrations over many years. The Atlantic Shark Institute leads this study by providing resources, equipment and tags to our partners.
Shark Stranding Response Team, New England
There is a small team of shark scientists that respond to the stranding of sharks throughout the Northeast. These stranding's included mako, porbeagle, great white, blue, sand tiger sharks, and more. The Atlantic Shark Institute is a recognized partner in these efforts to assist the NMFS in the identification, assessment, retrieval, removal, and transportation of these strandings. This also includes providing assistance during necropsies and more.

New England White Shark Research Consortium

The Atlantic Shark Institute is a founding member of the NEWSRC. The Consortium consists of 15 research organizations that are located throughout New England and Canada and are collectively dedicated to further the science and sustainable management of the white shark (Carchardon carcharias) within its northwest range. The Consortium will leverage regional expertise and resources toward addressing research needs which will include life history, population trends, migration, residency, habitat use, reproduction, behavior, feeding ecology, human-shark interactions and much more.
Completed Studies
Porbeagle Shark Study (IUCN Red List Global Status - Vulnerable)

Dr. James Sulikowski from Oregon State University, Dr. Brooke Anderson from Arizona State University and the Atlantic Shark Institute are investigating porbeagle (Lamna nasus) throughout the western North Atlantic Ocean. The team is collecting blood samples for hormone analysis, tissue samples, ultrasound images for reproductive condition and using conventional and novel satellite tags to determine essential habitats and migration routes of this shark within this region. A specific focus of this research are pregnant females. The Atlantic Shark Institute is co-investigator on this research and aids in the field work, execution and funding of this project.
Ophthalmic Lesions in Sharks Study

The Atlantic Shark Institute, the RI Department of Environmental Management and veterinary ophthalmologist, Dr. Ken Abrams, are collaborating on a study to investigate the presence of ophthalmic lesions in sharks. Many species of sharks rely heavily on vision while hunting or foraging, and eye lesions, such as corneal lesions and cataracts that compromise vision, could adversely impact a shark’s ability to orient towards and consume food. By performing ophthalmic examinations, researchers will study the frequency and severity of eye lesions in New England sharks and develop an enhanced understanding of the comparative ocular anatomy of sharks. The study will also compare debilitating ocular lesions with body condition, possibly correlating vision loss with decreased ability to hunt prey. The team will access ASI personnel, resources, and funding to support this multi-year study, while the RI DEM will capture and retain the sharks needed.
Thresher Shark Study (IUCN Red List Global Status - Vulnerable)

A team of researchers including Dr. Diego Bernal (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth), Dr. Jeff Kneebone (New England Aquarium Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life), Dr. Lisa Natanson (retired; NOAA Fisheries Apex Predators Program), and Dr. Greg Skomal (Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries) are collaborating on a project aimed at investigating the spatial ecology and population structure of common thresher sharks (Alopias vulpinus) in the North Atlantic. By combining electronic tagging with fisheries data, the group aims to map the distribution of this species in both space and time, and identify key habitats for each life stage. The Atlantic Shark Institute assisted in this study by capturing, tagging and releasing a large number of sharks in the targeted area.