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License Plate

Get your Atlantic Shark Institute license plate today!

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Welcome to the ordering page for the coolest and most popular charity plate ever created in the State of Rhode Island! The Atlantic Shark Institute mako shark plate is on the road! It’s truly beautiful and captures the iconic mako in it’s expansive ocean environment. The mako shark in now considered endangered worldwide, and you can help support the Atlantic Shark Institute’s critical shark research by purchasing this custom plate for just $42.50 with $20 going to the ASI. 


Best of all, the ASI is an all-volunteer organization so 100% of every dollar donated goes to this critical research! Passenger, combination and commercial plates are now on the road. Order yours today and in less than four weeks, your new plates will arrive right to your door, no need to pick them up!


For motorcycle plates, they have just gone into production and we could not be happier! If you
are interested in the motorcycle version, please click on the link below to learn more about next
steps, and thanks for all the support!

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Thanks for your interest in the first charity plate to be made available to motorcycle riders in RI history. We are very happy to share that we achieved our motorcycle goal and the initial plate order has gone into production at the RI DMV! While in initial production, the DMV cannot take new orders.


However, don’t worry too much as the motorcycle plate will be available for new orders sometime in May, via both the RI DMV and ASI. And best of all, when you order starting in May, your plates will be mailed directly to your home about 4 weeks after ordering. Please put a note in your calendar, come back to order your motorcycle plate and get ready for summer!


Q: When can I expect my new plate to be ready?
A: Passenger, combination and commercial plates are in full production and on the road which is great news! So, simply order your plate online using our link above or you can mail it in to the DMV using their form. Orders will arrive direct to your door in only about four weeks, no need to pick them up!


For motorcycle plates we have just gone into production with our initial order and we are very excited about that!  Folks that ordered their plate before March 5, 20025 will be contacted via email and we are going to have a big distribution event in May where you can pick them up. As soon as we distribute those plates, the DMV ordering system for motorcycle will open and any new motorcycle  plate orders will be shipped directly to your house, in only about four weeks, no need to pick them up.  


Q: Can I keep my current RI License plate number?
A: Yes. When you switch to the Atlantic Shark Institute plate, your current plate number is transferred to the new plate. Just think of it as ordering a new background design for your existing plate.


Q: What color are the letters/numbers going to be and will the alphanumerics be flat like the new RI plate or raised, like the old one?

A: The alphanumerics on the plate will be in dark blue and they will be raised.


Q: What if I currently have a 6-digit plate?
A: That’s no problem. Our plate was designed to allow any number of digits, including 6 digit plates.


Q: Can I get whatever number I want?
A: We can only issue plates that are currently active. The Atlantic Shark Institute cannot grant anyone different plate numbers. Only the DMV can do that.


Q: I have a passenger plate, a combination plate, a commercial plate and a motorcycle plate; can I get an Atlantic Shark Institute plate for all four?

A: You sure can! Just use the link above to the RI DMV and order your plates today!  While we are distributing the initial motorcycle plates that option won't be available, however, it will go live in May and join the other plates now available.


Q: How much is the Atlantic Shark Institute plate and where does the money go?
A: For passenger, combination and commercial plates you get a set of two plates, and the cost is $42.50. For motorcycle orders you get one plate . The fee will be divided as follows: $20 will go to the Atlantic Shark Institute and $22.50 will go to the DMV to make the plate.


Q: How do renewals work?
A: As is done with all passenger plates in RI, every two years the DMV will send a renewal to your home. For the Atlantic Shark Institute plate, $10 will be added to that renewal to go to the Atlantic Shark Institute. For both combination and commercial plates, that registration is renewed annually and $10 will be added to those renewals as well. Those contributions will help to continuously fund our shark research.


Q: Do I have to live in Rhode Island to get an Atlantic Shark Institute plate?
A: You must already have a Rhode Island registered car in order to get an Atlantic Shark Institute plate.


Q: I collect old license plates, can I keep my old ones?
A: Yes, Rhode Island law allows you to keep your existing plates as a souvenir.


Q: I’d like to get a vanity plate. Can you help me with this?
A: No, our role is to simply replace your existing plate with a new background that includes the Atlantic Shark Institute design. If you’d like to change your current registration you must contact the DMV directly.


Q: Why do you need my registration?
A: We cannot process any applications without a valid registration. We need to confirm that what you put on your application is identical to what you have at the DMV. Being accurate with your application is important to receiving your plates in a timely fashion.

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