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Josh Moyer PhD

Resident Research Scientist

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Like many affiliates of the Atlantic Shark Institute, Josh was interested in marine biology at an early age. Josh pursued his interests and graduated from Millersville University of Pennsylvania with an undergraduate degree in biology. He continued his education, earning the degree of Master of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from Cornell University and his doctoral degree in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 


Josh has published research on a variety of shark species including great white, blue, tiger, bull, mako, sand tiger, porbeagle, gulper, and prickly dogfish sharks. His primary research interests are the ecomorphology and evolution of modern sharks, and Josh has employed a variety of laboratory and field-based techniques to conduct his research. As Resident Research Scientist, Josh conducts original, publishable research with the Institute. He also consults with Institute leadership and sponsored scientists concerning experimental design and execution, and he ensures that projects sponsored by the Atlantic Shark Institute meet scientific standards. 

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